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Rock, meet window

August 10th, 2011

I was parked along Highway 1 near Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park in California to take some photos of the coast.  There were a number of cars around me; it was a popular spot.

As I walked down the shoulder to get a better angle on a shore pine, I noticed one guy and his female companion repeatedly trying to open the doors on their silver Honda.  They weren’t having much luck, so they soon switched to asking people if they might borrow a cell phone.

Unfortunately, that part of California doesn’t have cell phone service, so the phones were useless.  I tried my satellite phone, but no satellites were in range (and none would be until 45 minutes later).

I continued on my walk, and the locked-out man and woman continued to consider their options.

About 10 minutes later, I was walking back the other way when I saw a crowd gathered around the Honda.  At first, I thought that somebody must have been trying a slim jim on the door, but then I noticed the car owner had a big rock in his hand.  Before I could draw my camera, he wound up and slammed the rock into one of his car’s small side windows.  The glass shattered, the door was unlocked, and the crowd clapped.

The car, the rock, and the broken window

Was it cheaper than getting a tow truck or locksmith to come out?  I’m not sure, but I do know that it made for good entertainment.

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